Watched The Secret again last night, after seeing that Oprah's US show featured it last week. Oprah loves it. But I woke this morning to see that Newsweek has printed a fairly cynical review of the film...
I guess all publicity is good publicity, but why take a stand against it without trying it for yourself first, as Newsweek's reporters clearly hadn't? Why not just do what I am doing and then form an opinion?
Instead they rely on people like psychologist John Norcross, a professor at the University of Scranton who is an authority on self-help books, who says: "It's pseudoscientific, psychospiritual babble," says Norcross. "We find about 10 percent of self-help books are rated by mental-health professionals as damaging."
Thanks for your overwhelming negativity, John! I wonder what Norcross's life is like? Distinctly lacking in attraction, I would wager. I wish him all the best though and will try and get a copy of The Secret to him.
Anyway, I'm going to contact Newsweek and let them have a piece of Manifesting Jack.
I believe The Secret's ultimate message is to 'feel good'. Feel good and you become more attractive and then you get what you want. All the exercises therein are designed to promote this one thing - be grateful, smile more, do what is necessary, put people first, ask believe receive... and above all believe in yourself.
What's so bad about these directives?
Newsweek sucks, Oprah rocks.
Yesterday best writing day yet.
Large scale argument on Skype with parents in the morning about what the hell I was doing with my life triggered an avalanche of creativity. Thank god they are half a world away. It was one of those days when you feel so good about what you are doing that you actually need to go for a walk to calm down.
Today I begin a 30 day bikram yoga challege. In that time I am hoping to get a decent manuscript together to show my publisher, who according to 'The Secret' should be just around the corner.
If I keep up yesterday's pace manifestation is a certainty.
How do I know? Because I can feel it.
Writing time: 8 hours
Manifestation: 100%
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If you read the book or see the film and your take away from it all is that a positive outlook and to feel good, then perhaps there is some redeeming value.
If you listen to the message literally though, it says something else entirely. If you ask, believe, and receive, the universe will rearrange itself and you will get what you want. Now really...THAT is the problem with the book and film. Bad things happen to us because we brought them onto ourselves? Why don't you go to a local hospital and visit the pediatric oncology ward. Go ask some of the cancer riddled infants why they brought the illness onto themselves with negative thoughts! Let me ask you a question. If you had a treatable, life threatening condition that required medication for the rest of your life, would you take it or would you just ask, believe, and receive?
Leading a positive thinking life is one thing. Thinking you can alter the universe to get what you want, just because you want it bad enough, is just plain asinine...and it can cause harm to those people that are most susceptible, like any confidence game!
speak to the hand!
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