Friday, 30 March 2007

Day 32 - bikram bodies

I am nearing the completion of my 30 day Bikram yoga challenge.

At the end of Monday, I will have completed 45 hours of yoga in a room heated to 45degrees.

I feel leaner and fitter, and am positively gliding through life. Combined with my recent abstinence, it is not only fuelling my wellbeing but also feeding my creativity as the words flow.

It has undoubtedly been a positive exercise.

And not just because Elle McPherson goes to the same class. In fact she was even on the next door mat to me a couple of days ago.

Seriously though, I know this is probably blasphemous to most yogis, but Bikram does provide one of the best opportunities to meet and oggle women that I have ever come across. Because it is so hot in the room, the boys wear swimming trunks and the girls wear... well, not a lot. And everyone spends the entire 90 minutes writhing, sweating and groaning merely inches away from one another.

Am I the only person to find this a rather erotic way of getting my daily exercise? Or am I just a filthy little 20something, hormones raging and clearly lacking the emotinal maturity to use bikram for what it is intended - the union of mind, body and soul, as opposed to just straight forward weight loss?

Who cares?

Especially with the quality on display in my class today. Really quite incredibly fit birds were everywhere - all around the room. There are always a few old hags in there at the same time, or a few big boilers trying to shed some pounds, but in general the beauty on display is fantastic.

It really brightens up my day.

But more to the point, the poeple who go there are so agreeable. And I put this down to the fact that they are doing a form of yoga as their exercise as opposed to going to some gym full of lycra clad aerobics junkies listening to techno full blast on their i-pods. Even in the guys changing room at bikram, everyone sits down and talks after the class - just good friendly chat and a bit of a laugh. Where do you get that in a gym? All the blokmes are too busy preening in the mirrors, applying hair gel and plucking their eyebrows.

It's almost a complete role reversal from a few years ago.

But I digress. Back to the real reason to attend Bikram - fit women.

You see, girls who practice bikram are also really freindly. They are down to earth and seem keen to chat.

And after my successful one night stand with blonde alice on wednesday, i feel like getting back in the game.

I want to see more girls.

Actually, I guess what I am saying is I want to have sex more often. But also, i think seeing a few girls would take my mind off my work and off going out at night.

But due to my new life of abstinence, this is going to prove difficult, as the usual route of going to bars and picking up drunk birds isn't an option.

And nor is it particularly appealing.

One of my favourite writers, Nirpal Dhaliwal, often speaks of his ability as a mature man to pull birds without being drunk.

This is now my mission.

Where to start?

Hmmmm. Let me think.

Writing time: 3 hours

Manifestation: 85%

1 comment:

Kim/Thomas said...


I will be happy to follow you throught your manifestation..will make my stubborn/practical frenchman also read your blog:)

The secret is a wonderful book, can't wait to read yours! Although, I am out of my 20's..thanks God:)