Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Day 56 - destination vegas

Apologies - my web access has seriously sucked for the past week.

Quit panicking. I have not decided that Las Vegas is the best location to become a self- help guru.

I am off to celebrate my 30th birthday, combined with a friend’s bachelor party.

As I write this on a Virgin flight full of fairly undesirable human beings, not least my own friends with whom I partied till 3am and had my first beer at 9am this morning.

Feelings of trepidation and apprehension abound.

What exactly am I doing going to Vegas for a 4 day bender when I am supposed to be manifesting my future as a best selling self-help guru? An unseemly paradox if ever there was one.

Is it even possible to have drugs and alcohol in your life (as they clearly will be over the next 4 days) while trying to do this?

So why not just give them up? That is exactly what I intend to do. But as we have seen, there is little point in attempting this in London. I am too close to my friends, too unable to say ‘no’. Hence the previously blogged move to America in June.

In fact, sitting here on this plane I have resolved to make Vegas ‘The Last Weekend’. I really have no desire anymore to go without sleep for periods of time previously used in WW2 as methods of torture. It used to appeal. Now it detracts from every part of my life. Vegas is a goodbye to a lifestyle that has halted my progression.

So Vegas is the last bender.

A fitting way to kiss goodbye to my 20’s – a decade of destruction and disobedience, degradation and defamation, drunkenness and dalliance.

Following Vegas, the final run in to spending some time in America – the land of opportunity.

But first I must deal with the job in hand.

Stewardess? Drinks please.

Let’s make it a good one.

PS: I just finished watching Scorsese’s The Departed. Great quote from Jack Nicholson to an Irish guy in a bar:

Jack: ‘How's your Daddy?’

Irish: ‘He’s dyin’ Francis.’

Jack: ‘We all are – act accordingly’.


Writing time: 3 hours

Manifestation: 50% due to forthcoming bender


B said...

Once again, I can really relate to what you are feeling right now. I just don't enjoy being hungover, unproductive, and just downright miserable after drinking. More and more, I enjoy the clarity of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, we're getting older (and wiser!) and I honestly love it.

Regardless...have a great time in Vegas. Enjoy the trip and your birthday! As determined and level-headed as you are, this weekend bender won't crush your dreams or your future purpose!

Kim/Thomas said...

oooh have a great last bender...i do it with chocolate all the time ;)