Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Day 74 - the 5th cycle - mission statement

It occurred to me on Sunday evening, in a moment of extreme clarity, that I can change the world.

And then I realised that is what I have been trying to do with this project.

I've just had a few things back to front.

Time to put that right.

The London based banker John Studzinski yesterday gave the Tate Modern it's biggest gift ever - £5million. I read up on this guy and he is genuinely involved in 'life' - the lives going on around him as well as his own. His homeless charity seems properly effective, as does his Genesis Foundation for struggling artists. It follows the Bill Gates / Warren Buffet phenomenon in the states. The American tradition of philanthropy is alive and well, and seems to have gone viral.

Hopefully London’s billionaires will follow suit and start contributing to global change as opposed to buying soccer teams.

But there's a global shift happening, right?

My friend, a bright little thing who flings sparkly bits of knowledge around like confetti, says it's all about the shift from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age. The Piscean age was one of competition, achievement and individuality. The Aquarian age will be one of group awareness, equality and care. Hence action on environment etc. Astrology rocks.

I've decided to get involved - to engage myself like Mr Studzinski (just on an acorn / oak tree level).

I think Gates / Buffet / Studzinski have all realised that money is not the motivation... They've realised the value in helping others.

And it's highlighted one of my blockages.

How To Survive Your 20's is not my financial future. It is the future for 20somethings everywhere.

That was quite a breakthrough.

But how to get to such a stage?

I need to connect properly with my reader - to really work on what 20somethings are fearful of so I can provide relevant advice. I need to channel all my energy into writing something helpful to others.

Only then will the end product have the authenticity and integrity required.

I've realised I don't really know 20somethings, I just know my friends. Great people, but only representative of a small part of society.

Rather than appear from nowhere, How To Survive Your 20's needs to grow from a seed... I can only write helpfully for 20somethings if I have already helped 20somethings.

Starting small, with maybe just 1 or 2 people in my local community, I will get to know the needs of my readers by connecting with them personally... and helping them.

I have contacts... wealthy friends... marketing expertise... and a great team of people around me... And, crucially, I've realised I care about people.

The name for this new work?

Seeing as it has been inspired by a global shift in actions, and taking my cue from my astrologically aware friend, I started to consider what might work.

Universal astrological opinion says that life moves in 7-year cycles.

The cycle we are in during our 20's? The 5th.

Mission statement:

'The 5th Cycle is a new foundation set up to facilitate growth, fulfilment and vitality among people in their 20's, providing a platform to genesise inspired thought, effective action and global transformation.'

The perfect platform from which to manifest my writing dreams.

Writing time: 7 hours

Manifestation: 100%

1 comment:

B said...

Great mission statement for the 5th cycle. Yes, by applying your experience first-handed to 20-somethings, you will certainly strengthen that connection and further your credibility. And truly, the effect you will have on one or two people is a huge thing in itself.