Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Days 52, 53, 54 - more secret bashing

OK, I've been off the radar for a few days, attempting to move house, write, juggle parental commitments and get love life back on track.

I have accomplished none of the above. As a man, my multi tasking skills are woeful, and I have managed to drop the whole juggling match.

Never mind - I must keep foucssed on the task in hand.

The Sunday Times is the latest 'respectable' publication to print a load of negative, cynical, stiff upper lip british tripe about The Secret.

Bizzarely dubbing it 'The Creed of Greed', a hack named Sally Brampton has torn into the film as 'kindergarten psychology', 'garbage', 'hyperbole' and sums up The Secret by saying 'You want a great life? Lie to yourself. Reinvent. Play make believe. As a summary of this book, it's perfect. In a word, delusional'.

I had a conversation with a freind of mine in the states the other day who laughed when I told him of our media's viewpoint: 'THAT SUMS YOU GUYS UP!' he howled.

That's because most people in Amercia knows that The Secret, in it's purest form, works perfectly. The whole goddamn country was built using it.

Whereas America has not a great deal of history, thus it has no real past which distorts it's present day view of events. Hence anything is possible.

But we brits have centuries of ridiculous traditions and conventions, the house of lords, the church, the monarchy, all keeping our present day views as fettered with clutter and sarcasm as they possibly could be, ending up in the kind of middle aged, middle england journalism you see above.

The bottom line is The Secret is backed up by cutting edge quantum physics and science. Problem is, cutting edge science isn't usually backed up by the scientific community at large until all doubt about a theory has gone flying out of the window. And that can take years, or never happen at all.

As someone using The Secret on a daily basis, I can also tell you in works. And that I am putting it to the test on the biggest stage imaginable - the internet.

When is someone going to sit up and take notice of someone with the balls to see if it really works? As opposed to a bunch of lemon sucking brit journo's with nothing better to do than slag off a creation they haven't tried out, that has clearly captured the attention and imagination of the whole darn world?!

Yrs, waiting to be discovered.



PS: America beckons - the negativity is cloying here.

Writing time: 2 hours

Manifestation: 75% due to negative crap from mediocre journalists

1 comment:

Kim/Thomas said...

hey! If you are going to San francisco...check out buzzgirl, she lives there! Go to my blogroll and click on her name..she is awesome..her name is jocelyn!