Thursday, 24 May 2007

Day 76 - genesis of change

Things are afoot at this end.

How To Survive Your 20's will soon have a platfrom from which to grow organically. The 5th Cycle grows daily.

It's strange, but lately I've had the feeling that i've been trying to build a house without foundations... know what i mean?

And I've spent much of the last week focussing on words like integrity... credibility... authenticity...

The 5th Cycle brings all those into my life - right now I feel I have all 3 in abundance. Thus, as I have them right now, my future will be full of them.

The 5th Cycle is the foundation of my dreams - the spring from which How To Survive Your 20's can flow.

I've realised that 'life for me' is no life at all. Life for others is the most rewarding path a person can take - rewarding in every sense of the word.

Service to others. How To Survive Your 20's has to be of service to others.

Stumbled across a great quote the other day from Robin Sharma - author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

"It's risky out on a limb. But that's where all the fruit is."

You may have thought I was already out on one.

There is much, much more to come.

Writing time: 4 hours

Manifestation: 100%


B said...

Once again, I am pretty amazed to read what is transpiring in your life and to feel that I am in much the same place. I've made a lot of changes in my life recently so that I can help others, particularly my family. And the sacrifice and sense of fulfillment have been so incredible for me. Of course, we have to take care of ourselves and I believe that in following your dreams, you become a great source of inspiration for others. But truly, the greatest sense of fulfillment for me always comes from sacrificing for others.

It is great to hear that you are so focused on this aspect of your journey. It really is a foundation, and a wonderfully sturdy one at that.

you are amazing said...

May love, success, bliss and joy radiate from you and return back to you multiplied...

If you liked "the secret" you may find this interesting... its one step on from the secret,its called



More bliss to you.